In these challenging times of isolation and, for many, losing the only means of social contact, affection, and income too... We have been brainstorming a way to get you connected and bring you something you will love while supporting our community.
So here it is - the beginning of a special initiative
- QU[arant]EENING!
A series of lectures, workshops, and discussions - similar to those we had during our first Tango Queens Congress, but.... online!
The idea is simple:
We bring a platform and handle the logistical part (tools, payments, advertising and all the legal stuff).
Our Artists bring their expertise, knowledge, research, wit and charm.
You subscribe, donate and enjoy your online event, while knowing that you're also supporting somebody who needs it now!
We hope you love it!
Your QU[arant]EENING Team
Monika, Carmen, Juliana and Evren